Wednesday 23 December 2009

you've got the love.mp3

The snow is fantastic, however, it also causes a lot of trouble. Today, for example, i couldn't get to the stable by bus, because they decided to go part route. I had to walk soooooo long to get there, slipping every five steps. Was it worth it? Well i don't know, we don't actually ride much now that it's so slippery, but as long as the horses have something to eat and drink everyone's happy. I've been to the horses on Sunday, on Monday, and today, my whole body is sore from carrying all the water bottles from the house to the stable, getting the haylage up to the stable from down the hill (the car can't get up cause of the snow), etc. I have 10 bruises on my legs, and I can't remember when i hit myself.. Okay enough whining.

I can't wait for Christmas. The presents are waiting under the tree, all I know that two of them are for me : D I know for a fact they are from my brothers. I didn't know they were going to get me something, since they don't even wish me happy birthday. Who are they, and what have they done with my brothers, ha ha. Seriously, when I saw the presents I was sooo surprised, and also pissed because that meant i had to get them something too. I actually like what i got them, and I think they will like it too. The best present I bought was for my dad, i got him SUDOKU TOILET PAPER, the one from urban outfitters. Ha ha ha, we'll see if he's as smart as he says he is, smart ass.


Angie M. said...

wtedy jest najlepiej je rozczesać, wziąć gumę do modelowania, byle nie piankę czy lakier i zacząć wcierać we włosy tak jakby chciało się je rozciągnąć. :D
u mnie dziś tak powstały z pudla piękne fale !

Angie M. said...

No to zdjęcie, które jest ostatnie u mnie w notce, jako pudelek to po papilotach, a po ułożeniu ich niestety nie mam, ale... zrobię dziś, o ile nie zapomnę i podeślę Ci jutro czy dzisiaj w nocy ! :)