Friday 14 January 2011

drugging on

I was just in my bed and I had a thought, and now it's gone. I've been in my bed and our since like three o'clock. Friday is me day. However, I have a day off tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do. Another me day? Maybe I will do some school work, but that does not appeal to me. I much prefer to do it when I must, not when I have time to spare.
Anyway, lets leave this quite rational topic of laziness, and lets focus on my crazy. Silly, foolish, unreasonable, absurd. Whatever you prefer. I love it. 5 minutes is enough to get me high. And I mean it. I am so high right now. On drugs of course. But I won't tell you the name of them. They kill me. I am telling you 5 minutes, and I'm done. I feel like going to sleep to pass the time. Boy, is my kidney killing me. I need some more of my drugs.

I really don't. Boy, am I addicted.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

this IS the only way I can talk about my shit.
