Monday 24 August 2009

my whining

lifes shite
the only one thing im looking forward to is finally getting the money (ive got a long shopping list, and so far, i havent done anything to complete it), 14th of November (JIMMY CHOO!!!), christmas(new camera), and Metric concert - which is tomorrow, so i dont really mind the wait .. although it reminds me, i should get some sleep, is going to be a long day.

1 comment:

annie: said...

...nie wiem, tzn. praktycznie po prostu nie mam, żadnych pomysłów, do tego aparat mi się schrzanił i nie działa mi lampa błyskowa, a do tego zepsułam chyba baterie do niego ehh... {zdolna}

no cóż... pozdrawiam ;*